16th APR
The Chi Kri Gold Standard Yoga Teacher Training Course 2023/24 - SOLD OUT

- Date: 16th April 2023
- Course Duration: 18 months
- Phone: +44 (0) 7956 60 88 99
- Email: gold@chikri.com
Instalment plans for 3, 6, 12 and 24 months are available.
Chi Kri Yoga is one of the oldest yoga lineages in the UK. It has a blood lineage of yogis dating all the way back to 1876. These authentic yoga teachings and practices made their way to London (via Kenya) in 1976 thanks to Tara Patel. Tara was one of the earliest pioneers of modern yoga in Britain. In the early 90s, her son Neil Patel took over the work and added his own brand and style to it. The reason students come to study at Chi Kri is to gain a traditional Indian family’s spirit of yoga with the highly contemporary style of the current grandmaster of the teachings. Being a highly regarded yogi and a rapper concurrently, Neil has always been able to reach and teach students and trainees at all levels, ages and backgrounds
To inquire about upcoming courses, kindly contact us at the following email address: gold@chikri.com
The Chi Kri Gold Standard Teacher Training course encompasses everything you will need to know to start teaching yoga, whilst also being trained in the Chi Kri lifestyle, which will include philosophy, personal development and creativity.
Some of the things we will discuss and study in modules
- The Ashtanga Yoga system
- Techniques of Meditation
- Asana – a minimum of 25 yoga postures, their benefits, and how to teach them
- The entire chakra system
- Techniques of yogic cleanliness
- How to relax at will
- Classical and contemporary breathing techniques
- How to master your mind
- Sleep, stress and relaxation
- Mantras: the purpose of them and how to create your own
- How to concentrate
- The metaphysical science of creation and our purpose on earth today
- How to adjust asanas professionally
- The Yugas: the cycle of time and evolution
- How to teach a yoga class effectively
- Yamas and Niyamas – personal and public ‘codes of conduct’.
- Confidence and speech skills
- The laws of karma
The in-person course, with over 20 modules, will comprise of 1 or 2 modules per month for 18 months, in North-West London. Breaks will be given for all the major holidays. We will commence in late April 2023 and will graduate in September 2024. Insurance, stationary manuals and videos will be provided. And for those concerned about Covid-19, we will maintain a fully Covid secure environment and have prepared the relevant protocols and contingencies, including the facility for online meetings, a fully digital course manual and other online resources, should we need them.
There will also be additional smaller sub-group meet-ups for study, teaching practice and other social get-togethers. These groups will be your opportunity to guide, support and give feedback to each other as you progress through the course. It’s these groups that have been a source of great support to trainees in the past and have created deep bonds and lifelong friendships.

Join Chi Kri Grandmaster Neil Patel, and two graduate teachers, Vicky and Sheena,
as they talk frankly, freely and informatively about the course.
Listen to them expound on what it feels like to train to be a Gold teacher, what the content is and why they think it's something everyone should attempt if they're sincerely interested in learning about yoga, going on a spiritual journey - and, of course, being qualified to teach yoga.
Q: Are you looking for a life purpose or new career path?
Being a yoga teacher fulfils a deep soulful desire inside each one of us. All of us want to be able to make a living, whilst making a difference every day. Teaching yoga is the act of giving personal power back to another human being. It is giving them a connection to better health, peace of mind, restful sleep, stronger immunity, a positive mindset, a powerful body and a deeper connection to their soul and our Source. Imagine you did that for a living!

Q: Do you want to get the most out of your mind and body?
At Chi Kri we teach a series of in-depth yogic exercises, including physical, psychological, breathing, meditation and relaxation techniques, equipping you with dozens of easy-to-use tools which will benefit you throughout your life. The mind-body connection is capable of unlimited possibilities - from lowering blood pressure to regulating your temperature; and from clearing colds to overpowering cancer! Astonishing powers lie in this connection, and they will all be spoken about on this course.
Q: Have you ever wondered what the true meaning of life is?
If you’ve ever wondered what this life is about, then this course will provide you with incredible answers. These explanations will come from a deep and thorough understanding of India’s greatest scriptures, quantum mechanics, yogic philosophy, metaphysics and direct teachings from the Source. You will get to know the mind of God, the nature of the universe, the reasons why terrible things happen on earth, how karma works, and exactly what you’re supposed to be doing on Earth in the 2020s!

Q: Would you like to be enlightened?
Wisdom is a rare commodity. We stumble across it in books, mature people and occasionally as we fleet through life. On this course, however, hours of new, authentic and original Chi Kri spiritual wisdom will be broken down and taught to the trainees. In the yoga world, it is said that “wisdom is the greatest cleanser” (Swami Sri Yukteswar) because it purges the mind of worry, fear and stress, relieving the body of disease, lethargy and weariness.
Q: Do you want to get a good night’s sleep?
In a world where finances, social media, family, relationships, phone, emails and a host of other responsibilities are constantly demanding your attention, advanced yoga skills will bring about peace, balance and control. Yoga methods teach us how to function in a world like this, without ever feeling flustered, upset or anxious. Yoga gives you the power to let the world move around you, but let it not move you. You can send your breath into suspension, your body into deep sleep and your heart into stillness – at will! If you live like a Ferrari, yoga gives you Bosch brakes and Pirelli tyres to match! If you want to sustain a high-performance lifestyle, you will need hi-powered yoga skills to balance you out!

Q: Are you concerned about what you will be leaving behind for your loved ones?
When the inevitable happens, we all want to leave something valuable to our loved ones. We often think in terms of passing on money, homes, heirlooms, businesses and assets. But the biggest inheritance you will ever leave a loved one is the love you gave them, the compassion you demonstrated to others, the communal principles you upheld and the example you set by your temperament, speech and decisions. When we do a course, like the Chi Kri Gold Standard, we bring extra peace, wisdom, knowledge and skills into our lives, improving the way we function as human beings. This smoothly evolved character, nature and personality then gets passed on to your loved ones; and pretty soon, what you have studied becomes what they have learnt.

Only 19% of people who have ever joined our course have ever expressed a desire to teach yoga! However, at the end of the course, 64.8% end up teaching the subject!
Here is one example: “I never intended to teach. I did the Chi Kri Gold Standard Yoga Teacher Training Course because I was interested in yoga, and wanted to develop personally. But I learnt so much – and realized how wonderful and beneficial it was – that I wanted to share it with others!” - Smirti Kotecha
What trainees discover and experience on the course is so life-changing, they can’t stop help spreading the good news! This course is less about teaching yoga – that is the end result of growing spiritually. It is more about mastering your mind, understanding your body, increasing your knowledge and evolving your soul through the journey of life.

The Modules of the Chi Kri Gold Course
The course will comprise of approximately 22 modules, below are examples of the module titles and content.
Modules will always feature a “satsang” (spiritual discourse), as well as creative and expressive training exercises.
MODULE 1 – Philosophy of Chi Kri Yoga
What is Chi Kri? What is Yoga? What is Yoga Teaching?
“Yoga” has one specific meaning, but many different variations, both traditional and modern. In this opening module, you will learn the true meaning of yoga, and all about its variations e.g. “hatha”, “vinyasa”, “bhakti” and “japa”. You will also get to understand the character, nature, quality and role of the ideal yoga teacher and a full history of Chi Kri Yoga.

MODULE 2 – Philosophy of Yoga
The Ashtanga Yoga System
Here you will be introduced to fascinating eight-limbed structure behind all modern yoga systems: Ashtanga. Comprising of physical exercises, spiritual principles, breathwork, relaxation, meditation and more, you will get to understand why the path of yoga has been constructed in the fashion it has; and how to approach it.
MODULES 3 & 4 – Philosophy of Yoga
Yamas & Niyamas
Two of the ashtanga yoga limbs are yamas and niyamas – the personal and public codes of conduct for a yogi. These integral codes of conduct will be taught and discussed. Applying these principles will undoubtedly improve your spiritual path and your day-to-day dealings with those around you.

MODULE 5 – Philosophy of Yoga
The Yugas
Ever wondered what will be happening in 7099 AD? Will we still be here? Or what the world was doing in 10,000 BC? The yugas contextualise humanity’s evolution en masse, through periods of enlightenment and of discord and confusion. Information in this module is highly unique to Chi Kri, and is not worth missing.
MODULES 6-11 – The Art and Science of Yoga Poses
Throughout these six asana modules, you will be taken through a minimum of 25 Chi Kri Yoga postures in exacting detail. You will learn the psychology of the postures, as well as how they are designed to work on the physical body; not just in a muscular or cardio-vascular sense – but right into the nervous, circulatory, endocrine, skeletal, and digestive systems.

MODULE 12 – Teaching
The Philosophy of Teaching Others
A very intense and often ground-breaking module for some: How to express yourself, get the right volume, be friendly, hold command and discipline, and many other subtle skills which make a teacher respectable, likable and, most of all, extremely effective.
MODULE 13 – Metaphysics
The Star Universe Theory
This fascinating lecture describes the descent of the soul, from the Source, into the human body, spiritually, technically and metaphysically. It will give you the blueprint of the human body like you’ve never seen before, and will explain why we have five limbs, two lungs, five elements and so on, until no question remains.

Module 14 & 15 – Pranayama
The eight classical breathing exercises and Chi Kri Yoga breathing techniques
Pranayama is an accessible yet deeply powerful subject that deals with
concepts such as consciousness, the nervous system and spiritual awakening.
During this module you’ll learn and practice some of the most effective
classical and Chi Kri pranayama techniques.
MODULE 16 – Anatomy & Physiology
This will be an introduction to the anatomy and physiology you should be aware of whilst teaching yoga. We will cover the basics of the major systems to allow you to understand the workings of the physical body.

MODULE 17 – Relaxation and Concentration
How to relax and develop concentration
Without the ability to relax and concentrate, it is impossible to meditate. This module teaches how to switch off the nervous system and withdraw all the vital currents of energy back to the spine and brain, bringing about a sense of calmness and groundedness.
MODULE 18 – Meditation
The Chi Kri Meditation System
Meditation is possibly the most vital aspect of yoga. As well as being crucial to development, it is also shrouded in mystery and intrigue. During this module you will learn some of the key Chi Kri meditation techniques that are extremely effective, yet simple, just as meditation is supposed to be.

MODULE 19 – Philosophy of Yoga
Meditation and Chakras
The chakras are central to yoga. These seven cerebrospinal centres are the stations for the soul. Unlocking them through meditation sets many powers and levels of consciousness free. We will explore their sounds, colours, effects, benefits and associated attributes – a truly enlightening subject full of colour, sound and structure.
MODULE 20 & 21 – Teaching mock exams
During this module you will have the chance to prepare and teach a short class, giving you the opportunity to build up your confidence with a loving group of people, and receive the all-important feedback of your tutors.

MODULE 22 – Tutored revision and practise
This module is your chance to recap all the academic knowledge and inspirational wisdom you will have learned up until this point with your tutor/s.
Course examinations and assessments are likely to take place in May and June 2024.
How do you join?
Step 1:
Email gold@chikri.com for an application form, brochure and to arrange a telephone call.
You will get to speak to Neil, or a member of his team, about your desire to learn yoga at this level. You will get a chance to talk about how the course works, learn more about the content, and ask plenty of questions.
Step 2:
If you decide to join, you will get an Application Form and we would discuss investments.
Step 3:
Once you have begun your investments*, you will be given the Teacher/Trainee Agreement, as well as instructions on how to set up teacher training insurance.
Step 4:
You are now fully enrolled and will be looking forward to the yoga journey of a lifetime! Welcome to Chi Kri!
*Investment includes insurance costs, manuals, stationary, dinners and all other items.
Instalment plans for 3, 6, 12 and 24 months are available.