"Above everything else, his inspiration and motivation has taken my training (and physique!) to new levels! He has helped me to target and develop specific areas of my gym and weight training through a balanced regime that also allows me the autonomy to train in a way that is always enjoyable.
Neil will home in on what YOU want out of your training and personal yoga routine, what YOU feel your strengths and weaknesses are and when and how YOU need to be encouraged. This, coupled with him being someone who continuously breaks through his own personal barriers in order to enhance his own yoga and gym life, has lead me personally to achieve a level of physical (and mental) success that I did not think I would ever reach."
"His teaching practise combines everything I want from yoga – relaxation, strength, challenging oneself and developing mindfulness and inner harmony. Wonderful!
I think Neil’s classes are unique: his style of teaching is so varied that I am never bored. I come away from the classes feeling physically and mentally alive, and in tune with the world. Highly recommended!"
"Very interesting, good to hear someone removing the "voodoo mysticism" often attached to yoga and meditation and showing along the lines of rationality their worth alongside and surpassing science."
"I find Neil's workshops and seminars amazing and inspiring. His outstanding knowledge and experience radiates within his teachings leaving me feeling extremely positive, powerful and able to take on life's many challenges. Through the expertise of Neil’s teaching it’s almost like I’ve been given the password to use some of life’s most important and simplest tools to live my life to its full potential."
"I became a student of Neil's only 6 months ago after a long period of generally feeling unwell and stressed through work and life pressures. When health issues became more serious, I decided it was time to do something about it. Neil's unique style, approachable manner and depth of knowledge on health issues both spiritually and scientifically have made a profound difference in my life. I've kept an open mind and gone in to yogic teachings with all my heart and soul. Anyone wanting to try Chi Kri needs to do this. But Neil ensures it's an enjoyable, educational and potentially life-changing experience. My life has and will continue to change for the better thanks to the knowledge I have gained. I know this, not least because a recent visit to the Dr proved it in a major way.
God bless Neil and the Chi Kri team for being so inspirational. "
"My mum and I met Neil by chance or by “fate” some would say. We were in a club in London and ended up standing next to each other, we chatted and my Mum and Neil exchanged contact details after discovering his passion for Yoga. Shortly after that we met up and Neil introduced me to Yoga to help with my body and mind. At the time of meeting Neil I was going through a very difficult time in my life. However Neil taught me how to relax and how to cleanse my body and mind and get me back on track.
Neil isn't just a good teacher he is a very kind and gentle man who is very passionate about his yoga and its benefits; but most of all he is always there for you. Whenever you are feeling down he will guide you and make you feel good about yourself again. I have introduced Neil to some of my friends who have now become good friends with him and they also gain so much strength from his knowledge. It doesn't matter if it‘s your body or mind Neil is always there to help. Thanks Neil!"
"I cannot recommend these classes highly enough. I have been a pupil of Neil’s for the last two years on a regular basis and have found these qualities in abundance during every class. What makes Neil's yoga classes fantastic are three qualities; creativity, challenges, and clarity."
"Being away from football training during the off-season, footballers find it hard to keep fit and toned. But joining Neil's Hip Hop Yoga class was the best thing I chose to do at this time. It kept me agile, it improved my flexibility and best of all he totally changed my outlook on negative energy! His inspirational speeches and his happy-go-lucky style of teaching made my days in his class.
I would definitely say to people off all ages to attend this class because it's a natural rejuvenation."
Neil Patel leads the way!
"Neil is a natural leader and a fine yoga teacher. He gets to know each of the people who come to his classes as individuals, and cares about them. The classes are holistic, quite demanding physically and very rewarding, and lead to a greater understanding of, and strength in, our bodies and minds. There is a strong spiritual element, but not one which excludes the non-religious like me, but rather enhances the experience. It’s also a lot of fun! Personally, the classes have helped me to control a long-standing back problem, and enabled me to cope very well with a labour. It’s been great."
"I've been to quite a few Neuro-Linguistic Programming & self-motivation seminars, various yoga classes and meditation workshops but I was amazed how powerful the Chi Kri Meditation techniques are. It was totally worth it just for the initial Balancing technique (CKM 1) - this thing kept me completely focused throughout the class. Also the spiritual atmoshpere in the class was very nice and conducive to quickly assimilating the techniques...
Neil, thanks a lot for finally making this workshop a reality..."
"Yoga for me has become my lifestyle rather than a set of exercises since joining Neil's classes two years ago. What I like is the way Neil teaches the science of yoga to everyone who wishes to know in a simple to understand manner. His class includes all the aspects from meditations, bandhas, kriyas, pranayamas, and a very wide and ever changing array of asanas (which I thought I may never be able to do, but with practice I have achieved). Knowing Neil comes from a background of yoga practice from his mum (who has also taught yoga), and in India reassures you, you are in good hands which becomes apparent when you attend his classes and also additional classes on subjects such as the Bhagavad-Gita and Vedic philosophies – both of which are interesting and enjoyable.
All ages and abilities attend, and I’ve made many friends there, so going on a Thursday night is not a chore, but something I look forward to."
"Neil, thanks so much for your guidance. I feel transformed, my chest feels light and soft to breathe, when usually it's heavy and tight. I was singing my goodbyes as I left the workshop and I am still breathing slowly and calmly! I feel at ease and clear-headed. I don’t feel anxious about time constraints or getting things done. Even my back pain has lessened. Although our focus was on our 3rd eye, I felt a pulsing just below my belly button where I usually suffer with period pain and felt as though it was getting the energy it needed. This meditation brought me such a profound sense of calm, space and stillness."
"Always thrilled to realise that there are certain individuals who have transcended conventional thinking and are always linking to the future and teach the persons "young humanity" and hence accelerate their evolution. Keep it up!"
"I really enjoy Hip Hop Yoga! It's a great workout, and so much fun at the same time! The music is great, and adds a totally new dimension to 'normal' yoga classes! You'll leave feeling energised and waiting for your next session!"
"Neil is a very knowledgeable person who is capable of communicating the system of yoga through many mediums. His group talks or discussions are based on areas that further his students understading of colour therapy, the chakra systems and Ayurveda the science of life and the dietary implications. He also communicates through his passion for words and his poetry!"
"I have known Neil for almost 10 years, starting the classes in Kenton, I moved along with his classes, in different areas. Neil is a constantly amazing person. I try to avoid "cliches", but it is true that he changes and transforms for the better anybody's lives he encounters. He has this unique natural ability to make you do things you did not think possible. For me, Neil has what a true Yoga Teacher must have : The ability to guide you through the long and hard journey of finding your Soul. He is the shepherd and leads his souls with utter confidence, I trust and value his opinion. His classes are always innovatives, while keeping his own style, Neil's exercices are never boring, may these be slow or Hip-hop yoga, hey are equally challenging and you do go the extra mile! After a "hard" class (but the students would not have it any easier) the meditation part is always enlightening and profound, leaving you with a feeling of peace.
Neil also hold talks about himself and his cancer, I was lucky to be in the audience to see how people were totally taken by his wisdom an knowledge. What also works for me is Neil's voice, I find it very soothing and of course, the content of what he says, may it be a poem or a relaxation/visualisation technique, all varied and very powerful to me. I think myself very fortunate to know such a nice person, he is in my prayers and always will be."
"Over the past few years I have enjoyed attending Neil's yoga classes. Neil always encourages us to work hard and the classes are challenging but also very rewarding. As well as helping me tone up and improve physical strength and flexibility, the relaxation and mind-focusing techniques Neil teaches have proved enormously useful during the stresses of A level and university exams! The mind-focusing techniques have proved enormously useful."
"I came to Yoga to overcome depression... I have been going to Chi kri for 18months. I would have given up other exercise months ago, but Yoga has given me much more than I expected. In a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere, Neil is always calm and helpful. He makes you work harder than you think you are capable of and always finishes the class with a wonderful meditation. I leave feeling more relaxed and calm. Generally my confidence has improved, I've stopped slouching at my desk and I've lost weight as well! Brilliant! I can't imagine my life without it."
"I was referred by one of my friends to Neil’s workshop and I decided to give it a go. I had my initial fears to intense meditation techniques as I had been a bipolar affective. My first workshop with Neil allayed my fears at the first instance. It was on Chakras and some of the arcane principles of the yogic science, which was brought forth by Neil in such simple terms was an eye opener for me.
I decided to play a host for the next set of Neil’s workshops on meditation techniques in my home because I felt the positive energies and vibes that are present amidst a group of my friends would bring in a paradigm shift in dealing with my thoughts and would be of immense value to me in evolving myself as a person. The autumn term sessions are drawing to a close and here I am having gone through a profound experience at the end of it all seeing a new me. Neil’s classes are so cost and time-effective in the sense that his methodology allows for a participant to introspect and bring out their thoughts and feelings and let go of any hold-ups in the form of negative energies. The brainstorming in a very subtle undertone makes it very effective for the group. Neil’s approach to visualization techniques and the way he imparts it in the group meant a lot to me personally as I was having a lot in terms of bottled-up emotions. It was a let-go in every session and one feels light about the whole experience.
In a nutshell, Neil’s meditation workshop has a lot to offer in attaining a calm and peaceful state, to unwind and to relax and in understanding how powerful we are endowed with an intellect and that it can be unleashed without compromising on anything in our lives and learn to love others and be in peace with the world. I would strongly recommend Neil’s workshops for anyone who is stressed out in their lives and just want to have some fun… Thank you Neil!"
"The classes start or include some form of relaxation technique; this is typically lying on your back or seated and then breathing in a certain way, always guided by Neil (Initially my mind may still be thinking about things outside of the yoga class). We also do posture related work, body positions and exercises (As soon as we get into the physical exercises all my concentration is within the class). The great thing about the classes is that whatever your level of health, fitness or age is, you can easily fit in.
Neil simply guides the group by demonstrating from the front of the class and it is down to you to push yourself and imitate the positions as closely as you can. The classes I have attended have people ranging from very young, maybe 12 years old, to people in their 60s. I only wish I was a little more disciplined outside of the class and that I did a little bit more yoga each day, perhaps early in the morning. There is no doubt it would bring positive benefits. OK, this time I am going to start from Monday morning!"
"I attended a Chi Kri Meditation Workshop with Neil and he helped me find a technique whereby I can almost close my eyes anytime, anywhere and am able to switch off. Having a very busy lifestyle and I have always struggled with being able to stop, be still and block out constant ongoing thoughts and mental to do lists despite trying various different techniques in the past. This was amazing for me as I always wanted to learn how to authentically and consistently meditate. He has a wonderful way of communicating and explaining his teachings and techniques, which is very easy to grasp, understand and implement into daily life. I strongly recommend his work and am looking forward to further workshops and classes."
"Neil has a very open and broad approach to teaching yoga which combines modern knowledge with the ancient philosophies. His teachings combine the practice of asanas with other important aspects including mudras, visualizations and affirmation techniques, pranayama, meditation and philosophy. Each class is varied but he systematically focuses on different areas to develop strength and vitality in the body and awareness and concentration of the mind. Neil's style and inspiration has deepened with his experiences of adopting yoga in his personal life to overcome persona challenges which equip him with a rare empathy that few teachers have.
Neil is a true inspiration and real life example of how to use yoga in your daily life to overcome problems."
"I enjoy yoga as it relaxes me after a school day, and when I return from yoga, if I have any homework to complete I can focus on it more clearly and do my best. It helps me with concentration in school which in turn helps me in schoolwork and during exams if I find myself panicking I do some slow breathing exercises which I learnt in yoga, this calms me down and I can give full attention to the exam and my thoughts don’t wander about. Yoga is fun and it is also relaxing at the same time for adults and for children. Before I started yoga I had lots of tension from work but after I started it I was more relaxed and content. It helps me outside of school as well."
"I first started yoga with Neil's mother, Tara Patel, about 14 years ago. Neil was an apprentice yoga teacher then, who took some of the classes as time progressed. Those particular classes eventually stopped, but when I heard that you were running the classes in Hatch End, I returned. I have always enjoyed the mix of exercise and relaxation held in a non-judgmental, supportive environment. The other enjoyable aspect of the classes has been the Yoga weekends held down in Kent at a charming, relaxing location that in part was originally an old Oast House."
"Chi Kri is a way of life, and this is what Neil's yoga classes are all about. I have been attending Neil's Kenton classes regularly for just over a year now and have benefited from a whole new outlook towards life. Each time I attend Neil's classes my yoga practice improves more and more, and helps me to enhance my focus. And his breathing techniques have really helped with my asthma. Neil's classes are easy to follow and very well structured, the class caters for all abilities which is great as you can go at your own pace. In the past I have attended other yoga classes, but I know now that I have found the right class. Neil has a unique teaching style, and has a wealth of knowledge which he shares through his regular workshops. Having a very busy family/work life Neil's weekly class is my sanctuary.
I have recommended Neil's classes to my friends & family and will continue to do so. Thank you for your inspiration and sharing your teachings with me."
"About a year and half ago, I was looking at joining a Yoga class to help me with the lower back pain and to help increase my flexibility, strength and stamina. I came to hear about Chi Kri Yoga through my cousin. I tried one class and thoroughly enjoyed it and decided to carry on....here we are a year and a half on! Through regular yoga practice of the various poses and postures learnt during the classes, I have not only been able to strengthen my middle and lower back but gained an immense amount of strength/stamina, improved my balance and hold a better posture. One of the other things I wanted to work on was my super active mind. I used to find it very, very, very difficult to switch off! The last few minutes of every yoga class involve relaxation and meditation. Using the meditation techniques taught by Neil during the yoga classes, I begun to meditate on a regular basis at home. Although, this helped me a slow my brain down when I wanted to relax, I wanted to take the meditation to another level. I felt hungry to learn different techniques and methods.....I wanted meditation to be part of my life...and most of all to be part of my daily routine.
I am currently doing a six week meditation with Neil. I find Neil’s way of teaching very inspiring and through the simple techniques I have learnt over the last four weeks, I feel the meditation I do now is at that next level. The meditation has allowed me to become even more focussed in all that I do, massively improved my concentration and most of all made me feel closer to God! Thank you Neil for sharing all your knowledge and experiences, for your help and endless support."
"I have been attending Neil's classes for over 3 years. The classes are well paced and offer a varied programme with appropriate challenges at all levels. The benefits for me include increased flexibility and improved posture, lower blood pressure, and relief from arthritis. I value the yoga classes as “my time” even though my husband and two daughters have become keen yoga members!"
"If Gandhi's soul was reborn 30 years ago, he would be what Neil is today. I can see him in Neil in every aspect - kind, helpful and putting positivity into the lives of humans - by what he spreads around the people that surround him and are close to him. You don't have to go far to look for Gandhi. Well Neil what can I say about you? I don’t have any words to express myself how I feel about you and how much I appreciate you being in my life as my yoga guru (you also are more than a son to me). I am very lucky to have come across you into my life. Neil is a young modern, intelligent and a trendy Gandhi of the 21st century amongst us, who is gifted with lot of knowledge and has endless love to share and guide people on the right path and lead a very peaceful life. He is always willing to help people in their illness and with their problems as well, and does it from the bottom of his heart and also loves to share what he has got.
Neil takes on other people's problems and deals with it as if they are his own and find a way to solves them. I have known Neil for just over 4 years and he has changed my life alot, he has made me a more positive person to what I was and has showed me how to face the problems in much calmer way. May god bless you and shower you with lot of love. I am sure your parents must be very proud to have such a wonderful son. Lastly thanks for coming into my life and I have benefitted with another son and am really proud for you."
"Neil makes you feel empowered enough to confidently embrace your own spiritual journey. His passionate pleas to look deep within resonate so acutely that you can not ignore them. His strength becomes your strength and the rest is up to you. Why then would you sit back and wait?"
"An amazingly balanced class with relaxation techniques, asana's and breathing exercises. Neil's classes and his method of teaching inspired me to learn how to teach yoga with the British School of Yoga. I believe everyone should give this class a try before committing to any other classes - i can promise, you will not be disappointed."
"I think what makes your class different is the words of wisdom that you impart and the love with which you teach each class, you seem to come from a position of caring for your students and that is the 'X' factor you have. Thank you Neil."
"Chi Kri Yoga and its teachings have become an integral part of me, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and psychically. A year ago I was told that I had minor IBS along with a few food intolerances… being a foody this was hardly good news! Having started Chi Kri Yoga 8months ago I have now managed to control my mind, stress and anxiety which are usually the causes of these problems. My IBS has now virtually gone and my digestion has significantly improved thanks to the Chi Kri Yoga methods and positions.
Spiritually I feel lifted; mentally and emotionally I am more powerful and cannot imagine life without it now. Having such an inspirational and enlightening teacher it is hard not to feel strong week by week in all elements. Thank you Neil… my gratitude has no bounds."
"Neil notices & pays special attention to each & every student. Neil is a great teacher - he welcomes everyone into his class and is very good at making people feel comfortable and relaxed. I was surprised to see the range of different ages when I first joined the class but very happy to see how Neil notices and pays special attention to each and every one of his students, taking care to be aware of different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Although Yoga is taken seriously there is also an element of humour added to class which I beleive also helps to relax the group. Since starting Yoga I have found that I have been able to handle every day stress a lot better and feel physically fitter.
I look forward to my weekly class as I know that afterwards my mind and body are de-stressed and peaceful. I would recommend this class highly to anybody!!!!"
"I feel so deeply emotional today about our first meeting at the workshop -especially knowing that you had not been well - and yet to touch all of us to that depth of soul meditation! - The purity of your soul and personality reflecting - my heart was just praying for your long life - with brilliant health so that so many like me can benefit from these workshops! I feel all of us require great power to make the best use of the time that is in our hands.
You are doing great work - God Bless you and your family!"
"Yoga has helped me with my exam pressure and the workload of G.C.S.E coursework. Yoga always leaves me feeling healthy and positive. Its’ good to see the progress you make and the strength you can build in weaker areas. Its’ well worth committing to the yoga class because you can really feel the benefits!"
"I left with many a good thought and a fabulous breath to move forward with this Spring and beyond. I have been asked how I felt? Who is Neil? How did it go?? And my words - how I felt, was what I saw in the presence of yourself - "Celebration of Life!"
Thank you Neil for the most POTENT workshop."
"Through the teachings of Chi Kri yoga I have developed a deeper understanding of the mind, body & soul. This has enabled me to awaken my spiritual consciousness - something I knew was there, but up until now had not recognized it Working with the practice of asanas and pranayama, I have become stronger in body and mind. The ability to combat stress and move to an inner sanctuary of peace and calmness has been a great achievement. For me it has been a journey of personal development, reaching/achieving physical and spiritual well-being and continuing on this enlightening path."
"It is hard to do justice to the fantastic contributions Neil has made to my life in just a few paragraphs. I began 1-2-1 yoga sessions with Neil during my second year of university. This was a time in my life where I struggling emotionally and desperately trying to find meaning and direction in my life. I’d heard a lot about Neil and how he had fought cancer through yoga and a positive mental attiitude. Being a psychology student, I naturally wanted to find out about how I could incorporate such an attitude into my life to overcome the personal challenges that I was facing. Neil mentored me in preparing for my exams by training me to increase my productivity throughout the day and combat fatigue. Alongside this, I was learning to be more at peace with myself through the pranayama, meditation and relaxation exercises that Neil introduced me to, which now form a part of my daily practices.
I still cannot believe the amount I was able to achieve in a matter of weeks given how far behind I was. Ultimately the inner confidence he helped me to build enabled me not only to face my exams, but to try my very best in them. (Sheena ultimately achived a "first" in her second year - though she will not thank us for sharing this!). Neil has guided me exceptionally through my period of darkness, and has helped develop my strength and courage amongst many other characteristics. The more I am beginning to understand life, the more I find myself appreciating the depths of his teachings and wisdom- I will always be grateful to him for inspiring me with these. I truly believe that Neil’s Chi Kri has a tremendous amount to offer everyone at both a spiritual and practical level, regardless of your age, gender, or any other factor for that matter!"
"I was introduced by my daughter to Neil's yoga classes, she had been attending classes for a while and was clearly benefiting. I needed an exercise regime which was gentle due to long standing back problem and a more recent hip strain. I joined Neil classes about 18 months ago. The class Neil delivers is well balanced between the physical and mental aspects of yoga. A very holistic approach. On a physical level I am now able to perform more yoga positions than when I joined. My back is significantly stronger now, I have not had back and neck problems since joining.
Neil encourages students to consider the mental link between mind and body. Neil's teaching style is encouraging and empowering, raising awareness of the effect modern living is having on us all. Following the relaxation part of the class at the end I always feel refocused and leave the class feeling calm, uplifted and ready to face the world again."
"Go along to one of Neil’s classes and you will see what a GURU he actually is. His classes are inspiring and interesting, which in turn interests young people to become yoga practitioners. I understand that some people may think the two (hip hop and yoga) do not relate. Neil relates each beat with a sloka and the hip-hop lyrics to spiritual teachings. As you may know GURU means, remover of darkness and if this style of yoga is helping its students with their darkness and Neil is the teacher, he absolutely deserves that title.
Neil has practiced the beauty of yoga since he was a child and is not just another teacher with an egotistical mission. Any practice of yoga is a positive thing….and shouldn’t we be encouraging the evolution of yoga rather than keeping locked away in some uninspiring yoga centre in a leafy suburb which only attracts one demographic...."
"After a lot of research on the internet about the many different types of yoga you can do, I believe I have found the perfect class for me! Neil's class consists of a perfect balance of physical exercise, relaxation and meditation. It's not only about which type of yoga is right for you, but also the instructor's methods of guiding you to a healthier lifestyle.
Neil manages to juggle everyone's backgrounds, ages and fitness levels in such a way that he finds the right level that fits every participant's particular needs. You feel like you have had a private lesson!"
"These last few years that I have been practising Chi Kri yoga with Neil have truly opened my mind and nurtured my soul. I can honestly say I am not the same person I was before I started coming to Neil's classes and for that I will always be grateful. His classes are well balanced between the different aspects of yoga and he makes it very clear that yoga is not just the asanas; however Neil's asana practise is amongst the most challenging I have ever experienced! His classes are inclusive and suit people at all levels and everyone leaves feeling energized, inspired and like they've done a thorough workout! I think the biggest point that sets Chi Kri apart from other yoga classes is the teacher. Neil is someone who certainly practices what he preaches, both physically and spiritually.
I believe he has been carrying cancer around in his leg now for over 10 years and he has not let it have anything other than a positive effect on his journey. Given only months to live, Neil has certainly proved to us all that only we are the true masters of ourselves. His poetry and other literature are wonderfully inspiring and thought-provoking and I really recommend the book 'What is Disease?' It sheds light on what most consider absolute darkness. Thank you Neil for all the kindness and wisdom you have given over the years, you are an inspiration and I am proud not only to say that you're my yoga teacher but also my friend."
"Over the years I have done many forms of sports and fitness training and I was a member of a gym for several years. Chi Kri Yoga is the best and most effective exercise I have done. I wish I had come across it a lot sooner."
"I first came across Neil and his yoga classes approximately 10yrs ago. I am just glad that God guided me to the best yoga teacher that you could ever come across. I looked forward to my Thursday evenings, as this was my time out for myself, from my everyday struggles of life. Since starting the yoga classes, I had more energy and was more relaxed. I started as a complete beginner and worked myself up to the masterclass. Neil made the classes fun and unique, and every class was different from the last. Neil's energy was felt throughout the sessions, and which I think no other yoga teacher can match his determination, enthusiasm, love and energy for yoga. Neil is truly a people's person. He showed his love for each individual by giving attention to everyone's needs during the sessions, and also gave time on a one to one out of class. He would also make sure that he would correct us if we were not performing the pose correctly. I felt that Neil gave us our monies worth for our sessions. He would not only deal with the physical side of yoga, but gave us a complete package which also included yoga philosophy, diet and nutrition, pranayama and meditation. Throughout the sessions Neil would also talk about how to adopt a positive outlook in life. He went into great detail in how to change your negative thoughts into positive ones, and taught us affirmations which I use regularly in my life.
I can now say that I am a changed person since the last 10yrs. 10yrs ago I was an extremely negative person, I can now say that I am 75% positive and still working on the other 25%. Many years before joining Neil's classes I was diagnosed with a condition called M.E. I was at a point in my life where there was no hope for my condition, then a miracle happened when I met Neil and joined his classes. When I heard about his battle with cancer, it gave me hope that even I can survive and have a good mind, body and spirit. Yoga is not just an exercise for me, but it a therapy which I try to include in my everyday life. When people hear about my M.E, they cannot believe how well I look, because they expect to see me in a wheelchair. All my thanks goes to Neil, a truly wonderful person and a very beautiful soul."
"I've been on a journey of discovery from when I created a fatigue syndrome which couldn't be explained by conventional scientific means. Many pieces of the puzzle have come up and Neil was able to make sense out of it all and how it all fits together. I’ve taken many messages with me from my short time with Neil like clearing my heart, respecting, nurturing and loving myself and those around me....and about having faith in the universe.
Neil is truly inspirational with the lessons from his own journey and how he is able to apply them to others."
"Hi guys, just want to let you know that I have been going to Neil’s classes for a few years now, and I really enjoy and look forward to them. As a result of going to his classes, I am more flexible, fitter, have a stronger bacK. My mind is more at peace and my stress levels are low. I wish he would stick with two classes a week, and do hip hop yoga in Harrow!"
"Neil adopts a truly practical and inspirational approach to yoga suitable for the current age. Neil explains the traditional aspects of yoga (eg, where the teachings are derived from) and puts these into perspective. The classes typically involve an excellent physical work-out, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation - all of which help you feel extremely calm at the end of each class. Historically, I have taken up a number of sports and activities but never managed to remain focused in any one and hence I became a "jack of all trades but master of none". However, yoga is one activity that I have maintained on a consistent basis for the last six years which has helped me improve and maintain my fitness and health.
I attribute my commitment and focus in yoga to Neil's teachings and the individual attention he provides to each student."
"I am a 19 year old university student who struggled for many years to overcome severe obstacles in my life that I feared would destroy my happiness for good. As the years went by I began losing hope in finding my inner peace, and at the same time my fear of life itself grew. I also suffered body ailments; weak digestion and sciatica. However, I met Neil two and a half years ago and from the moment he walked into my college to present an assembly, it changed my life for good! With God’s blessing I was able to get to work with Neil, and be closer to his teachings, his strength and his guidance. These in turn have given ME the strength and confidence to move forward in my life and I am finally beginning to understand and enjoy life again!During his yoga classes I am captivated by his method of teaching. His physical teachings are diverse, unique and work every part of my body, opening up all areas of tightness. I have practiced yoga regularly since and it has helped me to open up my lower back. The Chi Kri meditation techniques have been a real blessing; they have helped me to expand my lung capacity and allowed me to calm my nervous system down, especially during the stressful exam period.
Over the years, Neil has opened up many channels and directed me to expand my mind. He has taught me how to deal with exam pressures and the best way of preparation. Neil is an inspiration and a role model to us all. His way of life is what he teaches. Never have I met a teacher like Neil - he has proven yoga to be one of the most important aspects of our daily lives. Yoga has given me freedom from within. It has freed me from my fears and has made me feel the joy of life. Neil has helped me to understand yoga teachings and overcome my fears with wisdom. I have and will always look up to Neil and am always enthusiastic to learn more from him. People of my age group need more of a guiding hand like Neil. Being part of Chi Kri, has given me the opportunity to manifest my potential and seek my inner strength and connect within. I am now a more confident and positive person. With Neil’s guidance and teaching I have seen the light and I have fought to banish my darkness. Thank you Neil, you are truly inspirational!"
"Neil's classes are UNIQUE in the sense his own life reflects the true power of yoga. He is intriguing! He must be doing something RIGHT to go against all odds to overcome his personal health issues (surviving a large cancer for 11 years without any conventional treatment).He keeps his classes varied to keep your body as versatile as possible. He also draws a good balance between the physical work, relaxation, pranayama, meditation techniques and philosophy. His classes make you feel like doing more than you think you can do as he has a gentle 'I CAN' approach, but he always considers everyone's levels and we can work to our own comfortable but progressing pace.
Although he has many students in his class, he manages to give us the personal attention we require. He observes very well what each student's weaknesses are during practice and assists in strengthening and correcting them. Neil's teachings has kept me strong in a very testing time in my life and has helped me approach life in a more wholesome manner. I feel truly privileged in being his student."
"I have known Neil since 1995. He has been my Yoga teacher for sixteen years and I was a member of one of his first classes - which he took over teaching from his mum, Tara. I have watched him evolve over the years as a teacher and a friend and I can honestly say that – my husband aside – Neil has been the most profound influence on my life - and has been my rock for the best part of my mature, adult life.His ability to impart knowledge is a gift and one he has never expected personal gain from. He feels his purpose for this life is to help people enrich their lives. On a personal level he has taught me to absorb yoga into every aspect of my life, like ink on a piece of blotting paper. He teaches that yoga doesn’t just stay in the school sports hall where the weekly class is held. So yoga, for me, is experienced all day, whether I’m at home with my family, walking to the tube station, at my clinic with my clients or preparing food in my kitchen. Neil's teachings, most importantly, have given me the ability to experience, to be conscious of, and to be aware of the moment. Not to dwell on the past, nor worry about what may be In the future, but to believe that we have the ability and strength within us to achieve our goals, our happiness, and our PEACE.
Neil has used his personal experiences and challenges to draw positive gain and strength, which would usually cause anxiety and distress to others. To say Neil is an inspiring mentor would be an understatement. I am truly grateful I have been in the right place, at the right time to have been enriched for so long.His continued self belief and self confidence, his passion for music, and his writing has allowed all three to be integrated into his teaching. He has the ability to teach a truly traditional Chi Kri Yoga class with posture work and spiritual teachings AND an awesome up-beat dynamic cardio Hip Hop Yoga class. He certainly keeps his students on the ball and we never know what to expect next. Anything is possible!!"
"My Hip Hop yoga party was the best experience ever! I really enjoyed it and all my friends did too. It is such an original choice and nobody had even thought about it before. It all started off when we did some simple warm ups to some pop music. Everyone was a bit shy at first but when we got to the middle of the song everyone was jumping up and down to the beat! I will never forget this party, and I just want to thank Neil for being such a great entertainer. "
"Wonderful News! I lost a lot of weight since joining Chi kri and Hip Hop yoga."
"There are so many things I love about Chi Kri Yoga, whether it is a slow class or a Hip Hop Yoga class, I always leave feeling on a high! I have stretched myself physically and yet feel so charged with energy I am almost buzzing!!! Spiritually Chi Kri is beautiful and I feel peace coarsing through every part of me after a class. It is different each week and I never know what is going to happen in a class!!! I really really love the Hip Hop music, the rhythm works so well with the movements. Chi Kri Yoga is also great fun and I look forward to the Thursday evening class so much. However, it is the teacher, Neil, that is the biggest reason for me attending Chi Kri classes. He is one of a kind and makes all the above possilble.
I feel blessed to have found such a teacher. I really really love Hip Hop Yoga. It fills me with energy and is so much fun. I love the music that Neil plays and the movements of the exercises really work well with the rythmns of the tracks and also it helps to take your mind off the pain sometimes if you focus on the music and sing along!! The music is also varied and so it never gets boring."
"I am getting married in December and like most brides-to-be, I wanted to lose my belly fat and love-handles! Neil took time out to come home, weigh me, took my measurements and asked me to follow the diet he set out for me. On his request I kept a food diary for two weeks which he observed and made changes to my eating habits when he needed to. He asked also motivated me to join a gym. Within just 2 weeks of starting this diet, I started noticing a difference; I was losing my excess weight and was eating a lot more healthily. He showed his commitment by being just an email away for any questions I had.
Now, 4 weeks into the diet, I have managed to lose about 4kg and 1.3 inches around my waist. I cannot believe how effective his method is and am very grateful for his help, support and encouragement."
"Hello Neil, I went through your book, blog, and learnt so much. I am impressed by your writing skills, lucid flow of words and simple language. Keep the good work up. Many on this planet need guidance, which comes without ego, just like yours.."
"A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a chronic condition, Multiple sclerosis. Before this, I was quite a healthy person that used to exercise and eat healthy etc, so this diagnosis was a real shock and also stopped me from working. My consultant highly recommended Yoga, as I had really bad problems with balance, weak limbs and fatigue. I looked around at the many yoga classes that were offered but was attracted to Neil's class, as a lot of people were talking about his experience with Cancer and how he dealt with it. For someone with MS, I found his Hip Hop Yoga class too challenging however the Chi Kri Yoga classes have worked wonders for me!I specifically remember my first few classes were a real struggle, as I could not even stand on one foot at all and thought maybe it's not for me. But thanks to Neil and this “Can Do” attitude, he told me to keep attending and to do what I can - he was confident that I will get better at yoga over time. Two years on and I can really feel the improvement.
The benefits I have had with Chi Kri are increased flexibility, stronger limbs and a general feeling of well-being. Anyone with Multiple sclerosis I would highly recommend the Chi Kri class. Thanks Neil."
“With plenty of time to contemplate on my journey I thought about everything that took place during our meeting. It almost seems quite surreal... I have had many experiences throughout my life, both negative and positive and I have also been on a spiritual quest for quite some time now, I've looked into kabbalah, buddhism and sufism but nothing has ever brought me so close to what I felt during the meditation with you.
This is going to sound bizarre but when I made the connection with the creator/god/energy force it was such a powerful feeling and I felt so overwhelmed that I couldn't quite explain how I felt.. it was almost as if I had just been born!”
"Very interesting, good to hear someone removing the "voodoo mysticism" often attached to yoga and meditation and showing along the lines of rationality their worth alongside and surpassing science."
"A big thank you to you and the Chi Kri team for an amazing weekend. It was so seamlessly organised and such a unique combination of yoga, wisdom, music and fun in a beautiful, tranquil location. The food was delicious and healthy, perfect after a challenging yoga class! It was wonderful to enjoy the weekend with like-minded people and I came home feeling energised, uplifted and inspired. Early morning yoga on the grass with the sun breaking through the clouds is an experience I will never forget! The wisdom in the satsangs which you shared resonated deeply with me and I have come away with many valuable teachings to reflect on in my life. I whole-heartedly recommend this retreat."
"I want to say thank you so much for everything you and the team put into running the retreat. The whole thing from start to finish was just absolutely magical. You (and God, of course) created a space that felt totally safe, supportive and informative. It made me realise how much I gained all that time ago from coming regularly to your classes and workshops and being around your wisdom. What you teach resonates with me at such a deep level, that it's just like listening to myself, but always articulated in a way that is so obvious and true. It made a little bit sad also, as I recognised that with your help, I felt I was really growing and developing spiritually, and it feels like I need to find a way to keep that growth and those reminders topped up. I love being around your vibe, it's uplifting and energising, and your influence in my life is so necessary. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart."
“The Workshop was absolutely brilliant. I look forward to my 20 minutes of meditation and pranayama everyday! Your honest, effective and engaging method of explaining what may be considered quite abstract is really impressive! I feel really fortunate to have received this knowledge from someone who is so genuinely involved and passionate about their work. Thank you so much!"
“A big thank you to you and the Chi Kri team for this wonderful weekend! What an amazing experience! I haven't got the words to describe you...it was wonderful and every minute was special for me. It was so nice to see you Neil and for sure I loved the Hip Hop Yoga and all the satsang that you shared with us. Your wisdom words were so powerful that I can't stop thinking about our retreat. I am so blessed that I met you and God gave me the courage to come to the retreat and share this beautiful experience.
The place is like a postcard, absolutely gorgeous... I met lovely people, humble, friendly and helped me to take the courage to say in front of everyone that I want to do teacher training, this means a lot to me. Thank you so much."
“I'd like to mention that after being very nervous about the retreat and not knowing what to expect, it was such a memorable and worthwhile experience. From the eye opening talks to the yoga during sunrise and the unexpected great weather, there were so many exceptional moments that it was well worth the investment in time and money. I'd just like to say thank you to you and the team for all your efforts; it was unforgettable!"
“The retreat?....perfect, 10, awesome, humbling, eye opening, fun, educational, privilege...I could go on but let's just say it was the best two days of my year so far. Take this as registering interest for 2015 for me, Jyoti and Shanatben. Lastly but most importantly a big thank you to Arti, Rakhee, Vicky and you for all your hard work, perserverence and dedication to make it happen and bring such happiness to all of us.
Good events don't just happen, it's simple.....they are the result of hard work and a little helping hand from the one above?! Still buzzing."
“The retreat was awesome! The effort Neil and his team put into organising the event was extremely evident. His lectures were honest and from the heart. Neil pushed us with the pace of the yoga, but it was still fun!
All in all: great location, great discussions and great people - if you love fun and yoga and you're thinking about booking next year, just do it!"
“Running a business can sometimes require long working hours coupled with the ability to juggle more balls than an act at the Mosco State Circus. The Chi Kri retreat is the pinnacle when it comes to allowing the brain to recoup.
Highly recommended and attended each year without question. An incredible way to energize and fill your life with vitality."
“This was my first retreat with Chi Kri and I loved every moment of it! The sure sign of this was that I just didn’t want it to end – my saddest moment by far was saying goodbyes to everyone on Sunday afternoon. They say that time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself and this was certainly true in my case: the weekend just went by in the blink of an eyelid! Although we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, this was not a holiday by any stretch of the imagination. On the contrary, the retreat was packed with a variety of activities that were carefully designed to nurture all aspects of ourselves: spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. It was clear from outset that a tremendous amount of thought and energy had been put into this retreat by Neil and the Chi Kri Retreat managers (Vicky, Arti and Rakhee). The results of the meticulous attention to detail were evident everywhere: from the Chi Kri banner that welcomed us in front of the building, to the wonderful plants and flowers inside, to the souvenir “Chai Kri” mugs we found in our bedrooms!
Some of the highlights for me (in no particular order):
· The chanting and singing led by the lovely Angela on our first evening, paying homage to Shiva, Lord of Yoga.
· The three very different yoga sessions: welcoming the day with early morning Sun Salutations out on the lush green lawn of the manor house, the full-on Hip Hop Yoga and the classical Chi Kri yoga.
· Connecting with the other retreat attendees. There was a positive, supportive energy emanating from everyone and I was so pleased to have the opportunity to get to know many of my fellow attendees.
· The group exercise where we had to create and perform a play – we all had a lot of fun while learning important yogic principles at the same time.
· The charm of Buckland Manor and walks in its beautiful grounds, where the silence was broken only by the occasional bay of sheep or chirping of birds – a perfect antidote to the noise pollution we have in a busy city like London!
· The exceptional standard of teaching. Having been to many of Neil’s classes and workshops, I knew that the standards of teaching would be excellent. But he managed to surpass my already very high expectations at the retreat. It is hard to describe just how spot on he was in every moment of every session – it felt like he was constantly in the “zone” during the entire time he took the stage.
I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending the Chi Kri retreat to anyone. It is a fantastic experience and I have come away with lots of valuable teachings to reflect upon and to grow from. Thank you so much, Neil and the Chi Kri Management Team : ) "
"I was not sure I could attend to this retreat but I was determined to do so and was rewarded with a profound, deep inner-peace. I needed this. I always get a bit apprehensive about being in touch with things that I wish to leave behind and at these retreats and I always seem to re-connect with those things. Surprisingly the re connection helps to soothe the pain, anger or resentment, to a certain degree.I was amazed at how quickly people opened up and shared things, feelings, fears, happiness, achievements, inner battles and experiences. It was nice to see, to listen and to feel all that around me. Neil and the team created a safe environment. Our daily schedule was well-organized and the setting was ideal. The retreat was nicely balanced, while still leaving us some time to explore the beautiful property and fantastic surroundings. The meals were nutritious and delicious! And lots of it!
As always I was impressed by Neil's gentle leadership, pure inner joy and the positiveness that he radiated during the entire retreat. My energy was not always there and this annoyed me at some points. In fact I could see it fading as the weekend went by. I do not deal well with lack of sleep - this was nothing to do with the place, the bed or the company :-) - just my current situation. I would have liked to say lots more while I was there, especially to all those that were struggling with emotions or personal battles. Just to let them know that is is fine, that it will be fine, that lots of us have been there, that it is ok to feel low at times and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. You cannot change the past but you can learn to live with the memories, whatever good or bad these could be.
I saw the transformation in some people, the new and the old Chi Kri family members. We all share a common wisdom, peace, love, resilience, strength, passion, perseverance... it is the Chi Kri way!
I highly recommend this retreat/experience to anyone who would like to plant seeds for, or reconnect with, their spiritual growth and maturation."
“Dear Neil and The Chi Kri Team,
Just wanted to say a big thank you for this weekend. We had an amazing experience and haven't felt so at peace with ourselves and the environment in a long time. The weekend has made us look at life with a different perspective. Everything was perfect; yoga, meditation, food workshop, chakras, pranayama, the venue, the people and of course the sunshine :)
We couldn't have asked for better and hope to return next year. Neil, specifically thank you for your inspiration it has been turly invaluable. We hope and look forward to getting the chance to practice and learn from you again. Chi Kri Keep up the great work!"
"I used to be very skeptical about astrology, it never worked for me. I used to think it was BS. After having a reading with Neil, my attitude completely changed as he was reading me through my charts like he knew me for my entire life. He read my past life, this life and when I was in between lives. He painted a story for me and connected it all together.
Couldn't recommend him enough if you're thinking of getting a reading!"
"I've loved and been fascinated by astrology from a very young age. When I was younger, I always thought that astrology would predict my future, and I'd be disappointed when certain aspects of my life didn't turn out the way they were predicted to be!
It was only recently did I understand that astrology is a very individual and personal experience.
I have had my chart read by Neil Patel (CK Astro) a couple of times, and rather than it "predict my future", he taught me to use it as a planetary guide for the year ahead.
His knowledge helped me to look forward to times that maybe exciting, but also to guide me through times which may be more difficult for me. He gives me just the right tools and conversations to navigate myself through those times.
I've been to all sorts of readings. And it's always difficult to know if the person reading your chart has your best interest at heart.
I know that Neil will always have my best interest at heart, as he guides me through my chart. He patiently helps me to understand things I struggle with, and educates my already curious mind about astrology...
Thank you!"
"I had never considered doing an astrological reading but a few people I know have had this done recently and encouraged me to try it as I was trying to figure out my next step in life. I know Neil through his yoga training and as I trust and respect him I felt compelled to get an astrological reading done with him. The reading was very informative and interesting, and Neil explained the charts very clearly so that an absolute beginner can get an idea of how the readings are made.
He goes through key areas in each chart and relates the salient points to you in manner thats easy to understand. It was unbelievable how accurate the interpretations were, the reading resonated with me in terms of my thoughts and feelings. There were also some surprises along the way! This reading gave me an understanding of where Im coming from and so much of this resonated with who I am as a person. Having the media of the session rather than a written report is much more useful to me as listening back to the audio is helping me to absorb more of what was said.
I really recommend to anyone to get a birth chart reading (as a minimum) to give you some deep insights into your life, and some answers as to why you find yourself in your current situation."
"Hi Neil, Hope all is well. Just wanted to share something interesting following on from our last session. I'd told you that I desperately wanted to move house. And when you checked my charts you said by the last day of May I'll buy a new house...I thought that sounded very far-fetched at the time as we hadn't even found a property. However, I told my husband (and showed him the recording - as he's sceptical about astrology).
Just wanted to share that, lo and behold, today, the last day of May, we signed to reserve a new house!! This has strengthened my belief in astrology even more, and I am so grateful to have your sessions to keep me on track. Keep up the good work!
PS: you also told me I needed to surround myself with the earth for grounding - and the house we found is surrounded by trees!”
“When I scheduled an astrology reading with Neil, I did not expect that it would be as detailed as it was. With precision and skill, Neil offered a reading that was thorough and informative. He was able to make many connections around the purpose of my life and relationships and much much more. I left the reading want to contemplate more about my chart and learn about the planetary placements. I am always blown away by astrology and even more so after my reading.
Thank you Neil. You have a talent that many will benefit from.”
"Thank you so much for the chart readings Neil!
My purpose for this session was to understand more about where I’m coming from and the past life chart was such an eye opener. In addition my birth chart reading really helped me to understand more about how I operate and to be gentler on myself. I came away feeling much more accepting of certain traits that I’ve previously sought to change but our session helped me realise that everything is what makes me, me! And what a bonus to hear that some of my life dreams are so well aligned. The session was really well laid out and clear to understand and thanks for answering my questions along the way - you really know your stuff Neil and I look forward to listening to the recording again and a follow up session.”
“My wife and I had a Vedic Astrology reading with Neil, where he looked into our past lives, fortunes and current life. Neil was incredibly thorough in his analysis! He was professional and calm, but also quite direct when needed. He provided detailed guidance about each chart, with explanations, when we needed it, to simplify the meaning of specific placements. With our fortune charts we were able to take tangible actions to work towards these events in our life.
Neil is very easy to get along with, and I am looking forward to booking further readings with him to go into further detail.”
“Insightful, eye-opening - mind blowing! I didn't expect the results to be so accurate. I learnt more about myself in the sessions with Neil then I ever could have imagined. So many things hit me, gave me goosebumps and major realisations. I am now much clearer of my path. I appreciated Neil's effort of going through my charts thoroughly.
Alongside his amazing skills and interpretation is his powerful intuition. He was open in answering questions I had and giving me guidance - a true Guru.”
“Firstly I want to say how unbelievably accurate your reading was. It sent chills down my spine when reading through some parts! Thank you for taking time to be so thorough and you write with such clarity - it is extremely helpful.”
“I've had both Western and Vedic astrological charts done, but never before has any astrologer taken me through such a thorough understanding of my charts. Neil's approach is one of ensuring that the information shared is not only easily understood but also that his client is able to appreciate the relevance of that information to their personality and current circumstances. Neil also covered relevant planetary transits on specific future dates, helping me to understand how I could prepare for and manage those transits at the relevant times.
This approach brought my personal astrology to life, giving it more meaning than I had ever experienced previously. The readings were excellent value for the cost involved.”
“It has been so interesting to learn about astrology and my Vedic birth chart from Neil. He explained the concepts really well and it's amazing how accurate and helpful the information is.”
“I’ve been reading and reading your report for the last few days, and I can say, they’re bringing me a lot of comfort. They are soothing my soul and, in a way, clears a lot of unrest I’ve been feeling over the last couple of months…”
"I recently met Neil whilst filming for a Chi Kri Special episode on Hip Hop Yoga. Having attended only a pre-class, I must say I realised how un-fit I actually was, and also how much fun it was to get involved and meet an array of people from various ages and backgrounds. I adore Hip Hop music so found that it was great to work out to a routine with music that I enjoyed too. Afterwards I started to read The Soul of Chi Kri Volume 1: Anger is Blocked LOVE. Not knowing what to expect, I began to read Neil’s book and, having read a lot of books about body, mind and spirit - there was one chapter in the Book which truly spoke to me like nothing I had ever read before. When I read about the concept of the ‘ego’ and regardless of how much love is given, the ego upholds the subconscious ‘terms and conditions’ in a relationship which often leads to a demise in relations and creates havoc for every person associated in that person’s life.
I will not ruin it for you, but it really hit home and therefore, I highly recommend reading it, as it truly struck a chord with me."
"It’s great that I’ve some inspiration on how to eat healthy and seems my ultimate goal is achievable!! Can’t wait to see the result! Thanks Neil!"
"We used Neil's quotes here for a year and both staff and members found them to be really uplifting and motivational. We often had members commenting on them as they came through the door and some said it gave them the drive to have a positive and effective workout!"
"First Neil asked me about my problems and then he classified into two parts: Stress and Health. For both things he gave me simple but effective solutions which I can use in my daily life. The whole interaction was very good and the best part was he could connect to my problems. Some of the things he told me were applicable in all walks of my life. Thanking you from the bottom of my heart."
"Neil has been working with me and my disabled clients since 1994. As well as being popular with all of them, he has shown them dedication to their individual needs. He attends once or twice a week and prepares exercises that the wheelchair-bound, mentally challenged, and more able clients can all benefit from and gradually aspire to achieve. His classes are never boring and the clients are always happy to meet him. As well as the physical movements, he gives them meditations, chants, and simple breathing exercises – all of which are extremely beneficial.
I respect Neil’s balance of physical and spiritual teaching, combined with a rare genuine care and attention for all my clients."
"I had a good session with Neil. Such discussions with a proper (sufficient) time slot conducted over the days would help people conduct introspection and benefit largely from self-realisation. All the best to Neil for the great work he is doing and I wish he does more such practices for corporate guys who are stressed. Thanks!"
"A very useful & simple session to calm the mind and reduce the stress levels. Thanks!"
"Useful, simple tips for stress management. Very effective & not much time consuming."
"Session was helpful in deciding what to do to achieve the goals of healthy living. Would definitely do the needful and give feedback on the progress."
"It was very interesting to open up to Neil and see how he analyses my concerns and issues in the context of his philosophy. Feeling much better! And this session has inspired me to stay young like Neil"
“This is the best session in the HSBC (or any other) Conference!”
“Awesome! This has helped me unwind completely. I feel rejuvenated in 5 minutes!
Highly recommended!”
“Conclusion on life and living in just a few minutes – Excellent Neil”
“Very nice exercises to relax and help to de-stress; and a good diet plan – looks inspiring. Hope the see you again next year again”
“Very Helpful and thought-provoking impressive presentation and helped me see the important things in life!
I will definitely follow his advice and would highly recommend”
“Excellent advice on the waist management subject – I suggest HSBC to include him in future conferences as well.
Thank you Neil”
“This was a good simple session to explain to us the true mechanics of life - and give us some lifetime jewels.
Thank you so much!”
“Insightful and thought-provoking”
“I got some interesting insights from Neil during the 20 minute session. I wish I had more time to learn more techniques. Some of the exercises regarding improving concentration abilities were very useful.
Thank you so much Neil for your suggestions”
“I made it a point to attend this session as I have not been able to sleep properly for quite a lot of time. The session was extremely helpful and I hope to follow the steps as directed”
“This session is truly innovative! Enlightening some very simple things”
“These were very impressive conversations on stress management – the ideas were very good”
“These techniques of meditation and breathing are really helpful. It helped me a lot to calm my mind. I think these yoga techniques are great so would love to do more of these”
“Excellent, some myths broken and value added – a must do for corporates working all day”
“Great session. Enjoyed talking to him. Time was short so would definitely look forward to meeting him next year”
“Good session, simple tips, practically implementable”
“Some interesting tips in a short period of time. And some very interesting ways of looking at difficult situations…”
“Very insightful and whilst the techniques appear very basic, just practising it has made made me realise it can make a real difference to how I sleep. And if I sleep better, I am sure I will function better. Many thanks!”
“Excellent! 10 minutes and TOTALLY relaxed”
“Neil easily identified areas of my body that needed to be more fluid and gave me easy to remember and easy-to-do-stretches that made a difference the FIRST time doing them! Thanks!”
“It was a really amazing session with Neil. All I can say is it was 'MAGIC'.
Thank you HSBC and thanks Neil”
“An excellent session with Neil. He is knowledgeable, delivers in detail, is RESULT orientated - and friendly!
Do invite him next year!”
“It was MAGICAL how he made me feel calm and peaceful in my mind. He gave extremely valuable and helpful tips for stress. I am sure Neil's work will help professionals and other people if he does more such sessions.
All the best and thank you Neil”
“A very INTERACTIVE and informative session with Neil. He explained everything lucidly”
“This is the first time I've attended something like this at an investor conference. It was a very informative session on stress management. I'd like to follow these techniques in a daily structure.
Mr Neil Patel explained it in a very simple and easy manner. GREAT experience."
"I had a LOVELY experience"
"Simple and GOOD exercises to relax my body and mind"
"A short and EFFECTIVE breathing exercise. Look forward to doing this on a regular basis"
"Neil was very attentive to my problems and was able to demonstrate very quick, doable and effective techniques to address them. He has told me some very INSIGHTFUL tips on the how to de-stress and live healthier. A big thanks"
"Really uplifting and energising!"
"Real feel good factor"
"The best workshop of the day, i enjoyed every moment"
"Very interactive and fun. Funny teacher. Was really into his own moves"
"It was fantastic!"
"It was very good and a lot of fun, everyone got into it. Best workshop yet!"
"Really enjoyed workshop. Was excellent!"
"Great fun love the music, team hosting were great and very enthusiastic"
"FANTASTIC WORKSHOP EVER. Best one I have enjoyed regarding fitness. Really hope they come back again. It was fun but not for the faint hearted."
"Very good workshop, very enjoyable"
"Great workshop"
"Really vibrant, really fun, just what was needed!"
"Fantastic workshop and I would love if this was an after work event."
"This was brilliant!"
The 10 Principles of Perfect Eating - e-book review
"Neil Patel’s book entitled ’The 10 Principles of Perfect Eating’ should be a reference book in every household. Its weight in knowledge demonstrates the amount of study and research time that must have gone into putting this ‘food bible’ together. This book teaches us the correct in-depth regulations of how we eat, where we eat, why we eat, who we eat with and when we eat. It is packed from page to page with practical theories to incorperate into our lives to ensure the right attitude is in place when approaching food. It also teaches us how to diminish the underlining flaws and habits we all have adopted in modern day life. Speaking from experience, it is this book that has opened up my mind to the deeper meaning of perfect eating. Leading a busy and unpredictable working life I don’t often find time to sit down and eat good food, however, it is just as important to know how to eat as well as what to eat. I have started following certain key principles and have already, in a very short time span, noticed the difference in digestion and general well being from the preparation right through to the ending of a meal.
Neil has the talent and ability to narrate his knowledge and discoveries in a friendly and concise way which makes the work he does even more admirable. This ‘go to’ ebook is an easy-read and should be your focal point when it comes to achieving perfect eating."
"I met Neil Patel recently at the London Yoga Show – he is one very extraordinary guy known as N1 aka The Rapping Yogi. Listen to this video and you will realize that Neil is a Kriyaban, who has introduced hundreds if not thousands of young people to the deeper aspects of yoga."
"Wow! That was quite something. Very impressive. Fantastic mix of profunditites and humour. Love the line about teaching the Pope yoga! The more I listen to the video and The Rapping Yogi CD the more I like it. By the way, what an intense CD.
It's not "relaxation/entertainment" music -- it's "change your life" music."
"I got very good results on monday from my consultant, my tumors on my liver have being reduced by 75% (my consultant would have being happy with 40%) what a result! Thanks to you and CHI KRI and your book "WHAT IS DISEASE" as I call it "my BIBLE" and the helpful techniques to overcome it, "all battles are won first in the mind" as you said. You have been an inspirition to me, I got cancer two years and eight months ago, and had thirty sessions of chemo. I carry your book every where I go, and I read it as my bible and I beleive this book is getting me over all my treatments and my mind is so positive I talk to so many people in the oncolgy unit in the hospitals, and they say to me how are you so strong? I take your book out of my pocket and they have a read of it. I could not be without it."
"Neil, I am amazed how you turned something that came to you just after college, while you were sorting your career path out, into a gem! it all started just to earn some pocket-money, and now I amazed with what you did with it!
If you remember you went to teach some simple yoga to a beginner’s class to do with elderly and not so able people in 1990 or 1991 at the Park Royal Hospital. You also had one children’s yoga class on Saturday afternoons at home. The hospital group became so very fond of you and benefitted so much from your teaching that they wanted you to come every week! You taught a few yoga classes for me when I had to go away for health reasons to the USA, and I got excellent feedback about your teaching and handling of the classes when I returned.
You have work not only on yourself but also on all those who come to your various yoga classes. I hear time and again from people who come to your classes and find that they are all extremely happy. It is most rewarding to know how much you value people's feelings and care for those who come to your classes and otherwise also who you come in contact with. Yoga has become the tool through which they can access your help and you can reach them. Right from the beginning I have noticed that you never have looked back on time and effort when it comes to reaching those who need your help. Very very young to old and all groups - male and female - they all enjoy your teaching, enjoy you as a person.
They find a solid and tough, creative, bold, reliable, intelligent and understanding person in you that they can reach and depend on. Your love for yoga and people is outstanding. I have seen you grow nonstop. I have seen over and over again that the opportunities to help people especially those with difficult problems are challenges you rarely miss and you deal with them with enthusiasm. These opportunities come very close to your heart. That is how you are. You are well prepared and sincere. At the same time kind, firm and relaxed - a live example of what yoga does. You pick people up from wherever they are and bring shine in their spirit. They soon become your fans...and your friends...
I am spellbound to see how you have used your experience with cancer- without any fear, most positively to make yourself strong for yourself and others. People need somebody who has been through or is going through what they are going through, to understand their plight. They need to be given generously and freely without expectations and you are that vehicle. This is your virtue. This is what brings you your strength and zeal with which you move on. I am so proud and feel reassured that you are being taken care of because you care for God’s children as your own.
Your attitude towards cancer is one like as one Shri Yukteshwerji said - unwelcomed guest will flee. You are like the “Vitragi Kshtriya” a warrior cast in Indian system. They say to an unexpected guest - - “stay if you want to stay and go if you want to go, it makes no difference. I am happy. I am life. I am here to do God's work and here I go...” Because your intentions and motives are clean and pure, He provides you with the needed protection.
You are multi-talented. You have never had much time for the art of drawing and painting. Whatever you have done is excellent. Some of your songs I really love, they are full of spiritual messages - on the art of living. You could be a source of lots of guidance and support to today’s youth. You could contribute positive energy to their physical mental and spiritual growth. A lot of people lack the knowledge and understanding they need for their all-round well-being - not many people would give time, effort, patience and care they need. The National health system is officially nowadays looking into mindfulness programmes - to help people deal with their physical, mental and emotional stuff. I think people like you would be most suitable for such posts. They are for the first time coming round to take people as a whole being with physical mental emotional and spiritual needs and their interdependence on each other.
Yoga is a gem of such worth and brilliance and that is so rightly in your hand. Keep it up and keep your Guru in front of you. Yoga deserves all the credibility one can give. The praises are never enough - and you bring that message home to many people. It is the science of science second to none. You have awakened so much love and reverence to yoga in many hearts. I am a most blessed, thankful mum. If anything I were to say to other mothers, it would be that yoga is the best and most valuable gift they can give to their young ones or to anybody. LOOK WHAT IT HAS DONE TO NEIL...You were only about 4 when yoga classes were taking place at our home and I was on Guru's path. I did not have to do much. You mostly followed what you saw like children do. You developed your own style by bringing about the real and deep message of yoga generally missing in most yoga classes. When you started walking on this path and later on our beloved Guru’s path - I sighed a breath of peace and silent joy.
Like all mothers would, I thought now you are safe that you are on the right path and in the hands of our Guru.....You were than a teenager and like all mothers of teenagers I was wondering and concerned as to how my young man would fare with the world and its ways. And its good and bad influences on the young new vulnerable minds.... I could ask for nothing more.
I am most blessed that you daily sit in meditation with our beloved Guru. I love you."